More or less eight years ago the occidental world found itself, willingly or unwillingly, in a war that was both ideological and militar.
The war was just the logical consequence of the attack of the 9/11 ( I will not discuss about the reason of that attack and about all the hypothesis of conspirancy, because it would require posts over posts).
That attack brought the calm and sleepy occident to face realities that untill that moment sounded to him really exotic and that had never reached its complete attenction.
But after the attack everything become real, seen under the light of reason, and what seemed at first a fairy tale reality finally was seen as it is in reality (sometimes).
We finally saw lands in whch the women have no rights at all, where they have to wear everytime they go out the burqa, where they can’t go anywhere alone but always with the company of a male relative, where they were beated if they had an uncovered ankle and killed for a supposed violation, lands in which they role in society was (and is) the same if not inferior to the one of a washing machine or a machine to make children for the man master of all.
We thought to have erased that reality, at least in afghanistan, we thoguht to have placed the basis for democracy and parity of gender and for peace in a land in which there has been no peace for 3000 years.
But not more than a week ago our man, the one we placed to make the afghanistan develop into a modern democracy, Hamid Karzai, has understood that in the end the previuos Taliban laws about gender and roles in society were not this much unliked by the afghani men, so we and his senate as in a real democracy emitted a law, in which the women lose in a single act all the rights they have owned since the “liberation”.
She becomes once more a sexual object, a machine to make children, completelly covered and that can be beated and killed like a dog, or even with more cruelly than a dog.
Is true, this law is just for the shiite women, 10% of population, but they are human beings as well as me and you that are reading this post.
So now we occidental have just to question ourselves one single thing:
How long before understand that war is not over and we are losing it?
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